2024 Club Listing

Listed below are the Model Railway clubs active in Australia and seeking new members. Intending new members should contact the club secretary or designated contact for further details.


National Associations

  • SOUTHERN CROSS MODEL RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Active branches in NSW, Victoria and Queensland. A bi-monthly magazine (Australian Model Railway Magazine) and a quarterly newsletter is produced, along with standards and recommended practices to assist all modellers of all prototypes. Contact: PO Box 345, Matraville NSW 2036. Phone: (02) 9311 2036. Website: www.australianmodelrailways.com
  • THE THREE MILLIMETRE (3MM) SOCIETY. Speciality 3mm scale model railways (also known as “TT”) Postal address: Po Box 847, Tamworth NSW 2340. Contact: Australian Group Organiser, David Batho. Phone: (02) 6765 2612. Email: duambi@gmail.com

Australian Capital Territory

  • ACT MODEL RAILWAY SOCIETY INC. The calendar on our website advises the days and times our shed is open at Chomley Court, Evatt.
    All scales and prototypes welcome. Contact: ACT Model Railway Society, PO Box 62, Jamison Centre ACT 2614.
    President: Graham Wright (02) 6278 5226. Email: enquiries@actmrs.org.au  Website: www.actmrs.org.au
  • CANBERRA MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. CANBERRA MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INCMeets on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday nights of the month 7.30-9.30pm; every Tuesday morning from 9.30am-12pm and an open day for juniors only from 9.30-12pm every second Saturday of the month at our club rooms located at the University of Canberra High School Kaleen, 104 Baldwin Drive, Kaleen ACT. Club layouts are HO scale and Australian in flavour using both DCC and DC systems. Our members model in a variety of scales and have a wide range of interests including design and construction of layouts; making realistic layout scenery; and developing their electronics skills that include decoder configuration, scenery lighting and computer control systems. Some members just love to run their trains on our club layouts or come in for a chat. All interests and skill levels are welcome at our club. See our website for further details. Contact: Secretary Peter 0439 640 756.
    Email: cmrcisecpra@gmail.com Website: www.cmrci.info
  • CANBERRA MONARO N SCALE GROUP. Is an Australian Men’s Shed based around N scale model railways. The group has an extensive modular layout on which we run a worldwide range of locomotives and rolling stock. We hold regular running sessions, workshops and attend all the local model railway exhibitions.For more information, or to find out more about membershipemail:  secretary@cmnsg.com.au. Website: www.cmnsg.com.au

New South Wales

  • DUBBO MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. Meets Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday afternoons at Dubbo Showground, next to Boardy's Bar, in the end of the Bird Pavilion. Track work and maintenance most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am. Contact: Bob Ehsman (Sec) 0472 952 440, Dave England (Pres) 0466 445 996. Email: dubbomrc@hotmail.com
  • EUROBODALLA MODEL RAILWAY. An "NMRA Club" group for model and prototype railway enthusiasts in the Batemans Bay area. 22 years old and still in steam! For all enquiries please contact the group's coordinator Ian Barnes (04 1577 4810).
  • HASTINGS MODEL RAILWAY GROUP. Covering Port Macquarie, Wauchope, Laurieton and Camden Haven areas. Meets 3rd Saturday each month at Members’ homes, on a rotating roster, from 1.30pm onwards. Catering to HO, N Scale, NSW, Victorian, British, interests. Participate in Exhibition and inter- club visits. Visitors welcome. Contact: Greg 0408 281 908, Dave 0407 936 379 or Ian 0407 107 589 or Ian 0490 949 809. Email: gneegreg@bigpond.net.au
  • HILLS MODEL RAILWAY SOCIETY INC. The main meeting days are Friday night from 7:30pm, Tuesday morning running until approx. 12pm and by special request the club may meet on Wednesday nights. Building 8A, Balcombe Heights Estate, Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills NSW. There are usually five layouts available. Three exhibition layouts, HO American, HO Australian and N Scale all DCC. With two fixed layouts OO British and N Scale being DC. Layout availability does depend on exhibition commitments. Visitors are welcome but prior arrangements are required. Email: info@hmrs.org.au  Website:  www.hmrs.org.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/HillsModelRailwaySociety 
  • ILLAWARRA MODEL RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Meets Friday nights at 7pm, in our club rooms Fowlers Rd, Kanahooka. Modelling in variety of prototypes in HO/OO and O. American and Australian exhibition layouts. Large fixed HO and O DCC layouts in clubrooms. New members and visitors always made welcome. President: Mike Holden (02) 42976686. Email: info@imra.org.au  Website: www.imra.org.au
  • Marklin ModelLers of Sydney. Meeting Friday nights from 7:30pm, and also a monthly Tuesday and Sunday meet from approximately 10:30. Located in Building 8B, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153. Our layouts run the European Marklin brand (3 rail) on a HO and a Z gauge layout. Visitors welcome. Facebook. Email: marklin.modellers@gmail.com 
    Website: https://sites.google.com/site/marklinmodellerssydney/home  
  • SHOALHAVEN MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 9am-3pm in North Nowra. HO and N gauge layouts. Building a new DCC layout. Lots of friendly discussion. Visitors and new members welcome. Contact: Secretary Brian Walker 0431 174 013 or email: walkerb@internode.on.net
  • SYDNEY MODEL RAILWAY SOCIETY. Meets every Monday evening from 6.30pm-9.30pm and every second Friday from 11:00am (subject to member availability) in club rooms located in southern Sydney. Featuring HO scale DCC freelance Australian layout and HO scale DCC exhibition layout. Contact: President: Peter Gleadall. Ph: 0412 335 611. Email: smrs.info@gmail.com Website:  www.smrs.org.au  Facebook: www.facebook.com/SydneyModelRailwaySociety
  • SYDNEY N SCALE MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. The Club meets every Saturday from 11am to 5pm, and most Wednesdays from 11am to 3pm, in our club rooms at 75 Chapel Street, Rockdale, NSW, 2216. The Club is also open on most public holidays. The club has a large permanent layout named Cascade Union as well as a number of portable layouts that are used for exhibition purposes, all in N scale of course. The layouts primarily operate using Digitrax DCC systems, all with wifi connections. Contact: Eric Coughlan, Secretary. Phone: 0431 728 161. Email: secretary@sydneynscalemrc.com  Website: https://sydneynscalemrc.com/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sydneynscalemrc
  • THE NEWCASTLE MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. Meets Weekly 7.30pm Wednesday & 9am Thursdays, Dora Road, Adamstown. Running sessions and work on fixed and exhibition HO & N scale layouts. Operating both DC and DCC power systems. Modelling and variety of prototypes mostly Australian, American and British outline. Contact: The Secretary. Email: secretary@tnmrc.org.au Website:  www.tnmrc.org.au


  • CANESIG, THE CANE RAILWAY (TRAMLINE) MODELLING SIG. SIG membership (content provider) is open to any individual who supports the objectives of preserving, developing and exchanging information for the modelling of sugar cane railways in Queensland and worldwide. The SIG's resources of over 11,500 rail heritage photos, drawings, rail heritage and modelling articles, free downloadable card models, etc., are freely available to anyone on a non-commercial basis through its website. Contact: A C Lynn Zelmer, Coordinator. Email: lynn@zelmeroz.com. Website: www.zelmeroz.com/canesig.
  • REDLANDS MODEL RAILWAY GROUP. Meets the fourth Sunday of the month at the Redland Museum, 60 Smith Street, Cleveland, Qld 4163 at 10:30 am. Running days (usually four HO/OO and one N per month), and other activities are arranged at the monthly meeting. All scales, skills from beginner to advanced. Contact: Wieber (07) 3820 6595 or Roy on 0416 207 321. Email: redlandsmodelrailway@gmail.com 
  • SUNSHINE COAST MODEL RAILWAY CLUB MEN’S SHED. Meets on the second Saturday of each month at 2.00pm at the Ulm Street, Caloundra clubroom and also a Wednesday running sessions on both N-scale and HO-scale layouts in the Diddillibah workshop. Contact: Steve Blackbourn. Phone: 0409 132 814. Email: bli.bli.boy@gmail.com

South Australia

  • ADELAIDE MODEL RAILROADERS INC (AMR INC). Meets at Outer Harbor on Wednesdays from 7pm and 1st Saturday from 10am. General meeting on the 3rd Wednesday. Large DCC equipped operational HO scale layout. New members welcome. Contact: Ken (08) 8288 0768, 0403 846 948. Email: houseken26@yahoo.com.au or Jeff 0479 078 913. Website: adelaidemodelrailroaders.com
  • SANGS - South Australian N Gauge Society Inc. Meets Saturday’s 12-30pm - 4.00pm. Opening times may differ slightly due to the availability of members present at each open day. SANGS is a model railway club that builds and displays model railway layouts at various model train shows across the year. The organization started in 1983 and has gone from strength to strength since. The club’s objective is to promote the N scale model railway hobby to the public. You can see their layouts at various train shows and shopping centres across Adelaide. If you can’t wait to see them at a show, visit the clubrooms.  Address: 118 Fletcher Road, Peterhead.Club members will be happy to show you the clubroom layout and talk to you about N scale model railways. All prototypes are catered for. Secretary: Peter Cawthorne. Ph: 0419 034 608.
    Email: secretary2@sangs.asn.au  Web: http://www.sangs.asn.au/  or type in “South Australian N Gauge Society”. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/South-Australian-N-Gauge-Society-210883689251250/C
  • Southern N Scale Model Railway Club Inc. Our organisation started in 2022 to fill a need for N scalers in the southern regions of Adelaide. The club meets 3rd Saturday each month, 12.30pm-4.30pm. Southern N Scale Model Railway Club Inc. is a model railway club whose objective is to promote the N Scale model railroading hobby to the public, and to encourage younger membership. If you can't wait to see us at a show, contact us for an invite to come visit us at our clubrooms. Our club members will be happy to talk to you about N Scale model railroading. Postal Address: 5 Reynold Street, Morphett Vale 5162 SA. Contact: President 0419 034 608. Email: secretary@southern-n-scale-mrc.asn.au Website: www.southern-n-scale-mrc.asn.au Please check our Facebook page for latest information on events and club activities.


  • HOBART MODEL RAILWAY GROUP. Model Park, Cnr Howard Road and Innovation Drive, Goodwood, Tasmania 7010. Meets Monday,4.30-8.30pm HO/OO and Wednesday, 10am-1pm N Scale. Visitors welcome. Details on Hobart Model Railway Group Facebook page. Email: hobartmodelrailwaygroup@gmail.com

Western Australia

  • US MODEL RAILROAD CLUB OF WA. Meets every Saturday 1-4pm. Unit 6, 33 Macedonia Street, Naval Base 6165. For more information see our website at www.usmrcwa.comor contact Tim Shenton at (0408) 921 991 or usmrcwa@gmail.com. Speciality: Modelling US prototype railroads in HO scale with a large 9m x 15m layout designed for operation with a sectional exhibition switching layout. Visitors are always welcome. 
  • WEST AUSTRALIAN MODEL RAILWAY CLUB INC. Meets Wednesday afternoons/evenings in the grounds of the Rail Transport Museum, 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean, WA. Actively seeking new members and visitors are always welcome. Australian, US and European prototypes in N, HO and G scale. Contact: Ross Parker 0424 658 142. Email: wamrc@wamrc.org.au  Website: www.wamrc.org.au


  • AUSTRALIAN MODEL RAILWAY ASSOCIATION VICTORIAN BRANCH INC. Social meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday each month commencing at 2000 hours at the Clubrooms, 92 Wills Street, Glen Iris, 3146.   Other activities include Timetable and Waybill operation, and running sessions on the HO Stonnington Valley layout that is wired for both DC and DCC operation, on selected Saturdays and Sundays and on Friday evenings, while the Junior group hold running sessions on the second Saturday following the Social meeting and on selected Wednesdays during school holidays. Large scale train running on the garden railway is held on the Sunday following the Social meeting and the clubrooms are open each Monday for the Daylighters Group. Full details are available on the Website at: www.amravic.com.au
    Membership applications and copies of the Agenda are available from the Secretary:- Ron Polistena, 1 Loxwood Avenue, Keysborough, Victoria 3173. Phone: 0411 848 630.  Clubroom answering machine (03)  9885 7034.  Email:  secretary@amravic.com.au
  • Bendigo Model Railroaders. Meets Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm and Saturday 1.30pm-5.30pm. 139 Wills Street Bendigo Victoria 3550. Specialising in HO, OO and N gauge. Special events held at intervals throughout the year. Meets Facebook: The Official Bendigo Railroaders group. Email: bendigomodelrailroaders@gmail.com
  • GOULBURN VALLEY RAIL CLUB INC. Running, construction and fellowship nights 2nd  and  4th  Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm at the north end of the Shepparton Railway Station. Business and fellowship meeting 2nd  Sunday of each month from 2pm-4.30pm at the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre (eastern entrance / car park entrance). Catering for all rail enthusiasts: HO & N layouts, fellowship, special events, activities and excursions through the year.   Email: gvrailclub@gmail.com    Website: https://www.gvrailclub.com       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/305834462817441/
  • LATROBE VALLEY MODEL RAILWAY ASSOC INC. 62 Saviges Road, Moe VIC 3825. PO Box 56 Moe VIC 3825. Secretary: V+A Beer Ph: 0447 882 593. President: Todd Cartwright Ph: 0400 011 066.